Joint Report: Torture in Its Various Dimensions in Turkey in 2023

      26 June 2024   Against the Global Humanitarian Crisis We Stand Against Torture…

HRJP: Torture Is A Crime Against Humanity!

  Torture Is A Crime Against Humanity!  13 February 2024   Torture is a crime and…

HRFT-İHD: Prof. Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı Is Not Alone!

Prof. Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı Is Not Alone! 12 February 2024   False statements in a…

İHD-HRFT-TMA: Reverse Handcuffing Is a Violation of the Prohibition of Torture and Ill-Treatment

Reverse Handcuffing Is a Violation of the Prohibition of Torture and Ill-Treatment   15 August 2023…

İHD-HRFT-TMA Joint Statement: We Protect Human Dignity, We Stand against Torture

We Protect Human Dignity, We Stand against Torture   25 June 2023   26 June, designated…

TMA-İHD-HRFT Joint Statement: No Exceptional Circumstances Justify Torture

No Exceptional Circumstances Justify Torture 14 February 2023   Torture is absolutely prohibited! No exceptional circumstances,…

İHD-HRFT: A World without Torture is Possible against All Odds!

  A World without Torture is Possible against All Odds!   26 June 2022   Today…

İHD Special Report: Enforced Statements, Interviews, Informant-Making, and Abductions through Coercion and Threats in 2021

Special Report: Enforced Statements, Interviews, Informant-Making, and Abductions through Coercion and Threats in 2021   30…

Joint Statement: Five Years into visit by UN Special Rapporteur, torture remains widespread

Geneva-Brussels-Ankara-Istanbul, December 9, 2021 On the fifth anniversary of the visit of the United Nations Special…

Joint Statement: Ten benchmarks for a zero-tolerance policy on torture in Turkey

Pushing the re-set button: Ten benchmarks for a zero-tolerance policy on torture in Turkey ​ Nothing…