The Chairperson-Mr. Ethem Açikalin-of Human Rights Association (IHD) Branch in Adana was arrested

The event which caused arrest of Mr. Ethem Açıkalın is:

On the 10th of December Ms. Kevser Mızrak (a human, woman) is killed in house in Ankara.

This event reminds extrajudicial executions which have been experienced many times.

On the 17th December Front for Rights and Freedoms of Adana (Adana Haklar ve Özgürlükler Cephesi) organizes a press statement. Mr. Ethem Açıkalın, the Chairperson of Human Rights Association (İHD) Branch in Adana, goes to the press statement, too. He presents at the place of the press statement.

This is “the Offence”.

Being present at a press statement is regarded as committing the offence being member of an illegal organization and making propaganda of an illegal organization.

Mr. Ethem Açıkalın, the Chairperson of İHD Branch in Adana, attended the press statement within the framework of İHD activities. İHD has been making efforts for protection of right to life, prevention of illegal and arbitrary extrajudicial executions, using power by security forces members in accordance with the limits of law for 22 years. The document, which read in the press statement, is just an expression of a critical opinion.

The importance, value and functions of human rights defenders have been underlined in many supranational human rights instruments such as OSCE's Moscow Mechanism (1991), United Nations World Conference on Human Rights Vienna Declaration (1993), and United Nations Declaration on Protection of Human Rights Defenders (1998). Due to human rights defenders' effort in realization oh human rights concept and their roles in protection and promotion of human rights; these instruments include assurances of providing circumstances that make easy to carry out human rights activities by human rights defenders and not keeping them under threat. Development of democracy and law is accomplished through protection and development of human rights.

Having a critical attitude is a characteristic of a being human rights defender.

We demand freedom for Mr. Ethem Açıkalın!

And Respect for human rights!


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