The declaration of state of emergency in Pakistan

The declaration of state of emergency and suspension of constitutional rights and freedoms are all clear violations of

the international law and the constitution of Pakistan.

Human Rights organisations in Turkey are deeply saddened and concerned with the imposition of a state of emergency and the suspension of the constitution on November 3, 2007 by the President Pervez Musharraf acting in his capacity as army chief of staff. The ongoing escalation of vast human rights violations after the imposition of the state of emergency is unacceptable. With this Global Day of Action which is organised by human rights defenders and non-governmental organisations around the world, we declare that we will not be silent against the upheavals in Pakistan and will continue on our efforts until the state of emergency is lifted and the democracy is restored. 

The situation in Pakistan is still keeping the tension. Ms. Benazir Bhutto, the leader of Pakistan People’s Party is detained in her house and her political activities are obstracted. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Asma Jahangir, is placed under house arrest for a period of 90 days.

Moreover, a detention order remains in place against Hina Jilani, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights defenders. Also the judges who are members of the high court are placed underhouse arrest. Hundreds of political activists are massively arrested while human rights defenders and members of the non-governmental organizations are massively detained or arrested. 

To the State of Pakistan,

The declaration of state of emergency and suspension of constitutional rights and freedoms are all clear violations of both the international law and the constitution of Pakistan. The state of emergency and all measures related with it must be immediately abandoned, and enjoyment of all rights and freedoms, primarily the rights and freedoms of expression, association, and collective demonstration must be resettled.   

Human rights defenders, judges, lawyers, journalists, and political activists who are arbitrarily detained under the state of emergency must be immediately and unconditionally released.

Independent judiciary bodies have a core role in protection of human rights and establishment of the rule of law. The Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry and all other sacked judges must be let back into their positions. 

The regulations which allow the military courts to try civilians with the Army Act must be abolished and all implementations, which are against the principle of rule of law, like limitations on right to defend and suspension of receiving support from a lawyer must be ended.

To the International Community,

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights must send a mission to Pakistan to collect the relevant data to clarify the human rights situation in Pakistan, and to identify whether those persons arrested are under risk of being tortured.

All governments of the world states must call on Pakistan for restoring human rights and democracy, and suspend all their cooperation in the field of security including the military aids. The UN Security Council must put the situation in Pakistan into its agenda as they are threatening the international peace and security.

Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly

Human Rights Association

Organization of Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed People

Amnesty International Turkey

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