The Evaluation report of the months January-March 2003

Distinguished Members of the press,

Welcome to the press conference organized by the Human Rights Association to release the evaluation report of human rights violation in Turkey in the first three months of 2003.

People who follow our reports continuously and regularly will notice the change in form and category in this report. We formed a new structure in our documentation center and inserted new rights categories which enrich the main right categories with subsections.

Distinguished Members of the press,

There are no positive developments in the implementation of human rights during the term between January and March 2003.

We had to take the fact of torture in this report as it has been previously. Unfortunately, we can not observe any progress in this field. Again in the field of freedom of expression, we observe that public prosecutors and judges do not interpret the codes in favor of freedom. The data of the Human Rights Association in these fields are in the below:

183 people were subject to torture and ill treatment in detention during this period. The number of people who were beaten and injured by security forces in demonstrations is 73. 33 people were subject to torture and degrading treatment in prisons. 50 people were threatened and forced to be reporter. 53 people were subject to torture and ill treatment in their houses or streets. Thus, the total number of people who were subject to torture and ill treatment in different places and times reached 392.

A new category in our report is concerned about the violence against women and children. In this frame, women suicide and honor killings persist. We were able to identify 11 suicide and 5 honor killings, because it is too difficult to document the facts in this field. Two trials have continued about sexual exploitation on women and especially girls. The N.Ç.(13) trial in Mardin and Z.T.(14) trial (also named second N.Ç. trial) reflect only a small part of sexual exploitation on women and girls. The headquarters of the Human Rights Association is determined to monitor these trials and fight against violation and sexual exploitation faced by women and children.

Human Rights Association also began to observe proceedings against torture perpetrators. In this frame, a fact-finding study on impunity of the torture perpetrators have been carried on and will be presented to the public opinion soon.

Freedom of Expression:
The situation in the freedom of expression is not cheering. The approaches of various administrative authorities and judicial functions to the freedom of expression are appears as follows:

4 radios and 1 local television were suspended 180 days from broadcasting by the High Council for Radio and Televisions (RTUK). 6 newspapers and journals were closed 79 days. 9 journalists were taken under detention. 7 books, 17 journals, 7 newspapers and 3 posters were confiscated and banned.

The number of banned activities is 11. These activities include press release, theatre, panel and competition.

The number of individuals who are demanded imprisonment and fine as they expressed their thoughts is 50. Penal suits were launched against 23 people out of 50 on the grounds of the Article 159 of the Turkish Penal Code, 5 people on the grounds of the Anti-Terror Law, 3 people on the grounds of the Article 312 of the TPC, 19 people on the grounds of the Article 169 of the TPC. 35 people were prosecuted to 46 years, 9 months and 7 days imprisonment in this term.

During the period of reporting, amendments were made in following 15 laws relating to the human rights and freedoms. Laws No: 4778, 4779, 4780, 4787, 4789, 4793, 4806, 4809, 4810, 4817, 4826, 4829, 4838, 4841 and 4842. We will present our technical evaluation on these amendments as a report in following days. However, we can immediately say that, the constitutional and legal system of Turkey can not be democratic with such partly amendments which involve mostly changing the same article in several times. Turkey's constitution and legal system need a radical democratic change and transformation. The society of Turkey also expects this change from the political power. The changes to response the missings and demands of society can only come true with the participation and contribution of the segments of the society. The political power must be definite, clear and determined in democratic standards.

Distinguished Members of the press,

The HRA had exhibited its position against war clearly on July 2002, before the USA and its allies attacked Iraq. During the term January-March 2003, we took part in platforms againist war and also made our activities on this issue. The attack and invasion of Iraq by the USA and its allies are crimes committed against to the peace. Basic principles of the Humanitarian Law are being violated with the War and Invasion. Plundering was encouraged in the name of "freedom" by the official invasion forces. Historical and cultural assets were destroyed and ransacked. Depleted Uranium Weapons caused civilian massacres and also damaged the environment in Iraq. Civilians became military target.

Peoples of the world took a position against the War with a great sensibility. The people of Turkey took the side of world-wide peace coalition. Currently the war could not be prevented. the War and the Invasion. However, people from each nation, each color, each belief and idea could come together around the ideal of Peace. The conscience of humanity rebelled against the modern barbarism. The decision allowing the deployment of USA troops in Turkey was rejected by the Turkish Parliament (TBMM) as a result of the strong opposition of the society of Turkey. It is illegal to appoint governor to Iraq by the USA and its allies and to ignore the will of the people of Iraq. It is also unlawful to award the USA companies for re construction of Iraq and operation of resources which belong to Iraqi people. The Invaders must leave Iraq immediately, pay compensation for the damages they made and respect to the self-determination right of Iraqi people for their own future. The USA and its allies borrow an apology to the peoples of Iraq and World and also they should immediately withdraw from Iraq.

Distinguished Members of the press,

The European Union declared the new Accession Partnership. The new document does not have a new element in comparison with the previous one released on November 2000. This situation shows that the problems with regard to the harmony of the political criteria have continued for three years. The comprehension of the HRA with a view to respect to human rights, primacy of the law, democracy, and cultural rights is not limited to the framework set down by the EU. However, all the problems which the EU Commission pointed out have remained unsolved. Therefore, the political power shouldn't use the question of human rights and basic freedoms as an element in foreign affairs with a statist approach, but it should fulfill the necessities required for the respect to the human rights and freedoms.

As a human rights organization, we are sorry for that the political power of Turkey use our people's human rights and freedoms as an element for bargaining with the EU. Therefore, we invite the political and bureaucratic staffs to respect to the human rights and freedoms. We call them to leave their bargaining attitudes.

We warn the political power because of its practice at the last three months. The protection of human rights and basic freedoms requires the maximum responsibility and determination. First of all, all the institutions of the State and their staffs should respect the human rights.

The ones who have been reported in the 3 monthly balance sheet are human beings. The story of trauma which was experienced by each covers books. These traumas are too deep that can not be regarded as a tool for internal or external politics.

Human Rights Association Headquarters

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