The Israeli Administration has started a new military operation in Palestine after the one in 2006 by “reason” of rescue of its soldier and in 2007 with the same “reason” and covered also Lebanon. It has conducted a dense and nonstop attack in Gaza Strip, which is under siege. Hundreds people, including civilians, lost their life and were wounded. According to the information, military attacks are still going on. These attacks show that human value, humanitarian law and customs have been violated. The Israeli Administration’s statement, which expresses that the military operation has been conducted as a reaction to attacks by Hamas, is not persuasive. The current attack, which is the most severe one regarding the last 20 years, shows that there is a tendency for massacre. It is also “unproportional and excessive” attack. We condemn the Israeli Administration for these attacks.

Palestinian struggle against the occupation is a rightful one as long as it will exist. However the Palestinian organizations must respect for human rights both Palestinian and Israeli people.
UN’s silence, ineffectual and unresponsive position of Arab regimes will cause continuation of human rights violations.
We speak to the Defense Minister Israeli, which states that “It is War time”. You are wrong. It is peacetime. Israeli people should escape from politicians that want war. Israeli people should act in this way for its and humanity’s sake.
Conducting these attacks, when the US and Israeli administrations are in “lame duck” position, are too dangerous. Do these aggressive and irresponsible attacks aim to cause a regional war in a period, on which the World Financial Crisis is getting deeper and deeper? Does the Imperialism want to use aggressiveness of Israel to overcome the economic crisis? The peoples should realize it and stop the aggressiveness of Israel that will cause more serious problem in all over the world. International bodies, especially the United Nations, as well as the peoples should not be a mere spectator to the situation.
We, the following three organizations, ask that;
1- attacks in Palestine must be stopped immediately;
2- Israel should withdraw to 1967 borders;
3- Palestinians’ indispensable right of self-determination, in accordance with its political preferences, should be recognized;
4- the siege on Gaza must be abolished immediately;
5-Egypt should open the Rafah Gate permanently;
5- all parties should act in a manner that will accomplish the perpetual Regional peace;
6- the political power in Turkey should not stop only making uncombed statements but must suspend all treaties, especially military,
We repeat obstinately that such attacks in Palestine or any other country do not kill only innocent children, women, old people and civilians but also human dignity, all of our dignity and future.