Human Rights Association (İHD) accepts protection and using of human rights and freedoms as a basic principle. İHD considers freedom of thought and belief as an indivisible part of these rights. İHD evaluates Newroz festive within this concept.

There are problems in Newroz festive especially for the last 27 years. İHD composes, in order to carry out observations in places that celebrations take place, Newroz Observation Committees in every year. These committees are composed of administrations from the headquarters and branches. Reports, which based on observations, are revealed to public. İHD, via reports, announces true information to society and tries to contribute to protection and using of rights and freedoms.

In accordance with İHD’s statute; Central Executive Board has decided to compose committees to carry out observations in Newroz celebrations in some provinces in 2008.

İHD committee stayed in Van and Yükseova during the celebrations because officials refused steering committees’ applications regarding with Newroz celebrations in Van province on 22 March 2008 and in Yüksekova district on 23 March 2008, subsequently there were serious violations namely violation of right to life, prohibition of torture and preventing right of meeting and demonstration.


Human Rights Committee for the Newroz meeting on 22 March 2008 in Van was composed of the following persons; Mr. Mihdi Perinçek member Central Executive Board and representative of East and Southeast Region, Mr. Tahirhan Acar the Chaiperson of İHD Branch in Van, Mr. Cahit Bozbey the treasurer of IHD Branch in Van, Mr. Necip Demir, Mr. Hüseyin Ayaz, Mr. Kerem Akdoğan, Mr. Dinçel Aslan, Mr. Turan Özgüner (administrators and members of İHD Branch in Van) and Ms. Necibe Güneş member of İHD Branch in Diyarbakır.

Similarly, regarding with the Newroz meeting that was programmed to be held in Yüksekova district in Hakkari on 23 March 2008, “Observation Committee of Yüksekova Newroz-2008” was composed of the following persons; Mr. Mihdi Perinçek member Central Executive Board and representative of East and Southeast Region, Mr. Ferzende Yılmaz administrator of İHD Branch in Hakkari and Ms. Necibe Güneş member of İHD Branch in Diyarbakır.

İHD Headquarters, with letter dated 19.03.2008 and numbered 201/2008/8–80 and dated 19.03 2008 and numbered 201/2008/8–82, has informed respectively Van Governorship and Yüksekova District Governorship in Hakkari Governorship about the composition of the committees and asked making things easier for the activities by committees.

İHD committees decided to be present in press statements and celebrations that were announced to be held in front of buildings of DTP in Van and Yüksekova; as it has been informed that Newroz celebrations both in Kale Square in Van on 22 March 2008 and in Yüksekova district on 23 March 2008 were banned by administrative chiefs of these living places.


İHD Observation Committee, in order to carry out observations in press statement and celebration that planned to be held at 10.00 in front of the DTP building, set out at 09.10 from İHD Branch in Van to DTP provincial building which is in cross street close to Cumhuriyet Avenue. İHD committee noticed that there were too many security force members and security vehicles in Cumhuriyet Avenue and streets that close to the avenue. Also the committee observed that citizens, who were going to the DTP building, were prevented. 

When the committee arrived in front of the DTP provincial building at about 09.17, it has been noticed that Mr. Zeki Akyol a civilian authority (chief of civil and official security forces) were negotiating with Mr. Özdal Üçer and Ms. Fatma Kurtulan MPs of DTP from Van and Mr. Kamuran Yüksek Vice-President of DTP and the provincial chairman of DTP. There were about 250 people in front of the DTP building. There was a fire and people were around it and shouting slogans. Our committee met with Zeki Akyol, who was responsible for security, and introduced its aim as an observation committee.

Zeki Akyol started to negotiate with DTP MPs once again at about 09.28. Our committee watched this negotiation from a close distance.  While the negotiation was going on; police forces, which had panzers and were official and civil members of security forces with special uniforms, intervened to the group without any warning in front of the DTP building and this intervention risked DTP MPs and administrators, our committees and security force members that were negotiating. Police forces used gas bombs in this intervention. Many people in the group were wounded for beating with sticks. Everyone, including security force members without masks for chemical gas, was affected from this gas bomb attack. People in the group went to different streets. After the first intervention; police forces’ oral intervention and beating with stick at Cumhuriyet Avenue and streets near it became more severe and increased. It has been observed that many citizens, who were not related with press statement but walking in the avenue, were beaten. Zeki Akyol authorized security force member, so as to prevent subjecting to gas bombs anymore as well as any kind of negative action, helped transfer of committee members to a suitable place.

At about 10.10; a group of 20-25 people came together in front of the DTP building and started to shout slogans. Mr. Özdal Üçer, MP, and administrators of DTP contacted with this group to stop this demonstration. While they were talking with the group (it took 3-4 minutes), there was a second intervention by police forces with gas bombs, sticks and using gun (police forces shot to air).  While the group was leaving from the point, people in the group were throwing stones. It has been noticed that demonstrators were subjected to beating and force after they were paralysed.

There were shouting, threat and conflict, which exceeded limits of being politeness, between Mr. Özdal Üçer MP of DTP from Van and security force members both in first and second interventions.

5 minutes later police forces entered into the building of DTP, as they alleged that a stone was thrown from the building. Police forces went to the first storey of the building that is 3 storeys and intervened with gas bombs and sticks. At the same time, security force members entered into other workplaces and office blocks and insulted, threatened people and started to beat people. There were uncontrolled detentions by police forces. These events caused spread of incidents into many points in the city. Gas bombs, baton rounds, bullets, stick and pressured water were used in intervention. The observation committee did not observe that demonstrators had used any tools except for stones which may cause damage in case touches sensitive parts on body. Also, the committee did not get any information that demonstrators had used any other tools.

Then DTP provincial building was raided with the court decision. Our committee presented in some parts of this raid. But lawyers presented during the whole raid.

Our committee’s dialogue with Mr. Zeki Akyol resulted in a positive manner regarding with taking wounded citizens, as a result of the first and second interventions, to medical institutions. Wounded people were taken to hospitals with ambulances. Our committee, as observing incidents that were in different points of the city and for security risks, went back to İHD Branch building in Van. The committee maintained its activities monitoring (as much as possible) incidents in the city, dealing with information that sent by people, accomplishing sending wounded people to medical institutions in the branch.

Ms. Lerzan Taşçıer, the interpreter of 5 people Italian committee that came to İHD, told that “…we were watching incidents in the avenue about 2 hours ago police force members detained us. On one hand police forces told that were hosting you, providing security for you on the other hand; a woman lawyer and a man in the committee were beaten and subjected to violence by them. Then police force members, in accordance with an order from higher police force members, sent us to the hotel and said ‘do not leave from your hotel any more’ ”.

Mr. Mihdi Perinçek, the spokesman of the committee, attempted to reach to the Administrative Chief and Security Director of the Province at about 12.30. However Mr. Perinçek could not reach them.

The spokesman Mr. Mihdi Perinçek held a press conference at 14.00 in the building of Branch in Van so as not to experience more severe incidents. The following points summarize the press conference;

1-      Refusing application for celebrations on 22 March 2008 caused these incidents in Van,

2-      The first intervention, which caused spreading of incidents, was carried out without any warning. Police force members used stick and gas bombs in the first intervention and shot into air in the second intervention,

3-       Incidents were going on and spreading into more points in the city,

4-      All citizens, whom we saw while detaining, were detained with beating,

5-      Security force members entered into workplaces and office blocks and threatened citizens and exercised violation on them,

6-     Administrative Chief and some of security forces in Van have problems with democracy and law. These people fight with democracy, rights and freedoms,

7-      Security force members used excessive and unproportional force,

8-      De facto raid of DTP provincial building means intervention to the political life, and this intervention will cause a problematic period in Van province,

9-      Public servants should act in a more sensible manner so as not to spread incidents into more points,

10- There should a legal process against security force members, who acted in an inappropriate manner to the law,

11- Tradesmen, who were damaged, should be compensated.

In the incidents in Van on 22 23 March 2008; a citizen named Mr. Zeki Erinç lost his life, 84 people (70 citizens and 14 security forces members) were wounded (4 of them seriously wounded), over 130 people were detained.


Our committee arrived in Yüksekova district at 18.00 on 22 March 2008. As it was after the working hours, there was no chance to meet with district governor. Our committee went to the Oslo Hotel. Then, the committee met with Mr. Hamit Geylani an independent MP from Hakkari province and Mr. Salih Yıldız the Mayor of Yüksekova and got information about the situation about celebrations.

Mr. Salih Yıldız the Mayor of Yüksekova made the following statement “…. the application was made to 10 days ago to carry our celebrations on 23 March. The District Governorship, after 10 days, informed that celebration should be carried out on 21 March and 23 March would not be allowed. Subsequently, DTP organization in the district stated that as celebration was not allowed; DTP organization in the district, with a committee composed of MPs, mayors and administrators of DTP came from Şırnak province, would hold a press conference to protest this decision at 10.00 in front of the DTP building on 23. March 2008. An authorized security force member, who was in the meeting between DTP administrators and officials of the district, told that they would not allow also this press conference and intervene group in front of the building of DTP. The authorized security force member with this statement threatened us. DTP organization in the district stated that we, together with the committee come from outside of the city, would hold the press conference”.

Our committee, which is composed of 3 people, left from Oslo Hotel at about 09.05 and went to DTP building which is in 23 Nisan Avenue. It has been noticed that workplaces, which are in Cumhuriyet Avenue and streets near to the avenue, were close. The observation committee saw that there was a group about 1500 people who performed folk dance with musical instruments. As time passed, more and more people came. People, sometimes, shouted slogans. At about 09.18; it has been noticed that a group of police forces (1 civil chief, 15-20 civil policemen, about 100 policemen in special clothes and with shields and 4 vehicles) came to a point which crosses with 23 Nisan Avenue and Cumhuriyet Avenue. Our committee talked to a civil person who was the chief of the security forces and introduced his name as “Haydar”. The committee introduced itself and its aim for observation. The civil chief told that he has information about our committee. When the committee asked a phone number to contact with him regarding with any potential problem during the celebration, the chief responded as “calling 155 (general phone number of police forces) is enough”. We, as committee, went to a point in which we could see the whole group and security forces and started our observation.

Security force members, at about 09.28, took precautions with vehicles at the beginning of 23 Nisan Street. At the same time, security force members announced that “being there was illegal and they would intervene to the group”. At 09.38; someone from vehicle, which had sound systems for the press conference, stated that “they would hold the press conference with guests at 09.55”. We, observation committee, saw that security forces members in snow mask and had rifles with long barrel went to other security force members.

Mr. Salih Yıldız the Mayor of Yüksekova District met with the officer, who introduced himself as “Haydar”, told him that “our quest would be here within a few minutes, they would greet our people and congratulate Newroz and make statement. It would take maximum one hour. Then we would send people back to their homes. There is no necessary for intervention.” Our committee was also there during this conservation. There was no action except for folk dance and shouting slogans.

People, who came from Şırnak, arrived in DTP building in the district at about 10.10. MPs, Mayors and Mayor of the district greeted group and congratulated Newroz in their speeches.

It has been noticed that a fire was lighted in a point which is opposite to the side of DTP building location and stone was thrown to security force members from the same point. Security force members reacted with gas bombs and stones from a distant point. Gas bombs affected the committee, too. The fire was extinguished by security force members.

Mr. Vahit Şahinoğlu, the Chairman of DTP in the district, made a statement and asked people to leave point. The group, at about 10.40, started to leave point. The group left from in front of the DTP building. When last people in the group were moving away from in front of the building, a few stones were thrown. We could not determine the place from which stones were thrown. Security force members, who were ready to act, started to go towards group and intervened to them. Security force members used gas bombs and sticks. Within a short time, we heard sounds of gun at the point where the group and security force members were.

Incidents centred at the Cezaevi crossroad of 23 Nisan Avenue. Demonstrators threw stones which might be dangerous if it touched risky parts of body. Incidents spread to different points in the district. There were many sounds of gun. The observation committee received news about wounded people. Mr. Hamit Geylani MP from Hakkari and Ms. Sevahir Bayındır MP from Şırnak and Mr. Salih Yıldız the Mayor of Yüksekova phoned to the District Governor 2-3 times to prevent spreading incidents.

At about 11.40; we (Mr. Hamit Geylani and Ms. Sevahir Bayındır MPs, Mr. Salih Yıdlız the Mayor of Yüksekova district, Mr. Ahmet Ertek the Mayor of Şırnak province, Mr. Muhsin Konur the Mayor of Silopi District, Mr. Halil İrmez the Provincial Chairman of DTP in Şırnak, Mr. Temer Tanrıkulu and Mr. Abdin Eniş members of City Assembly from DTP and Mr. Mihdi Perinçek the spokesman of the human rights observation committee, phoned to the District Governorship and informed about our request to meet with Mr. Mehmet Ünal the District Governor and went there. The District Governor, in this phone conversation, told that he would go to the building of the Governorship immediately. When we arrived in the building of the Governorship, we learned that Mr. Mehmet Ünal the District Governor, with military officials that are generals, had gone (before we reached there) to the areas where incidents occurred.

We reached building of the District Governorship at about 12.00. Soldiers were ready to act regarding with security issues. While we were waiting in the waiting hall, we observed that 2 persons (we learned that they were under detention and name of one of these persons is Ayhan Kızıldoğan; male) were brought to the building at about 12.10 with a white car its model was dublo and belongs to police forces. We witnessed that although these persons were paralyzed, they were beaten with sticks by a policeman who is about 35-40 is years old and in white coat.

We called Mr. Mehmet Ünal the District Governor at about 12.25 and told that we were waiting him for 25 minutes. He said that “I am busy now and I will be there whenever I finish my task”. We realized that he did not want to meet us. Then we went to the State Hospital in Yüksekova District to meet with people who were wounded in incidents. We, as human rights observation committee, met with Mr. Savaş Babalıtaş and Mr. Selim Akbaş who were seriously wounded because of severe damage in their heads, and Mr. Raif Eren who was wounded as he was shot with police forces gun. These people were transferred to the Hospital in Van city. 

Mr. Raif İren gave the following information “…Mr. Salim Akbaş was being beaten severely by 4-5 policemen in street; I went out from my home told that he would die. While I was trying to take him to hospital; a gun was shot and I was wounded from my foot.” We went from the hospital. At same time, we constantly received news about wounded people and ambulances were not enough to deal with all of these wounded people. We constantly informed 112 (emergency service) about situation of wounded people. As we learned that a person was shot down with gun, subsequently; lost his life we (Mr. Mehdi Perinçek, Fersende Yılmaz, MPs and the Mayors) went back to the State Hospital. There were too many soldiers in the yard and emergency unit of the hospital. Soldier located entrance of the hospital after our interview with the administration of the hospital.

We confirmed that Mr. İkbal Yaşar, who is married and has 2 children, lost his life. We interviewed with Mr. Cahit Yaşar, who is relative of Mr. İkbal Yaşar. We interviewed with Mr. Cahit Yaşar when there were 7-8 people who witnessed the whole conversation. Mr. Cahit Yaşar was with Mr. İkbal Yaşar when he was wounded and was being taking to the hospital.

Mr. Cahit Yaşar made the following statement; “we were walking in a quite distance from the fire in the Cumhuriyet Area. We heard gun shootings and İkbal fell down. Then gas bombs were thrown. We demanded ambulance, we waited for a while but it did not come. We, as 3 persons, took İkbal about 100 metre and put him a private car. We drove on Şemdinli road (Cumhuriyet Avenue). When we were in the area of private hospital; police forces stopped us, we informed them about the wounded person. We told that situation of wounded person was serious and we were taking him to the state hospital. When we started to set out once again, police force shot guns, subsequently; we had to stop. Police forces damaged the car and started to beat us, including the wounded person, with their guns and sticks. They swore and told that “we would kill all of you”. Although we told that İkbal was a person wounded, they continued to beat also him. Moreover; one of the policemen was beaten by his colleagues as he told that “the person was wounded and would die”. İkbal was still alive while police force members were beating us. Ambulance reached after half an hour, İkbal passed away while we were waiting the ambulance.”

Since there was no place to have lunch, we were going to Mr. Salih Yıldız’s the house, which is in the 23 Nisan Avenue, to have lunch at about 15.10.  We were 13 persons in total; Mr. Mihdi Perinçek and Ms. Necibe Güneş members of the human rights observation committee, Mr. Salih Yıldız the Mayor of Yüksekova, Mr. Hamit Geylani the independent MP from Hakkari, Ms. Sevahir Bayındır the MP of DTP from Şırnak, Mr. hmet Ertak the Mayor of Şırnak, Mr. Muhsin Konur the Mayor of Silopi, Mr. Halil İrmez the Provincial Chairman of DTP in Şırnak, Mr. Temer Tanrıkulu a member of city council from DTP and Mr. Şıran Eminoğlu administrator of DTP. We noticed that there was a security measure, when we reached crossroad of the avenue. A civil chief inspector (later we learned that he was in charge of security) met us. Other security force members were in Robocop uniforms. The civil chief inspector talked to the Mayor of Yüksekova as “where are you going to mayor, did you organize these children”. The Mayor told that “these people are our quests, we are going to the house. These people are mayors, MPs and human right committee members.” I also introduced myself and the aim of the observation.  Mr. Hamit Geylani, too, the MP told security force members that “Be polite, please”. The reply to him is “do not accept politeness from us anymore”. The dialogue finished and we restarted to walk towards house. Just after we passed the point of security measure, police force members in special uniform and namely the civil chief inspector insulted and swore, constantly and together like a chorus, us in a rude manner. We went on walking without showing any reaction these insults as knowing that reacting is not a right. Police force members continued to insult us even we were in quite distance.

Mr. Mihdi Perinçek, the spokesman of the committee, phoned to Mr. Ayhan Nasuhbeyoğlu the Governor of Hakkari and Mr. Mehmet Ünal the District Governor of Yüksekova to inform them about the last incident and to go back to the hotel in a safe manner. We sent also an e-mail, which is a written version of the information given to the Governor and the District Governor, to the Governorship in Hakkari. While we were going back to Oslo Hotel, we were subjected to oral provocation of security force members. We determined that 1 person lost his life, 3 people were wounded (3 of them were serious) and 13 people were detained in this day.

İkbal Yaşar’s autopsy was carried out between 18.30 and 20.00. Despite nonconsent of the family; İkbal was buried at about 02.45 (night) on 24 March 2008. İkbal was buried in graveyard, which is in city entrance in Hakkari highroad, when there were his 3 distant relatives and security force members.

All workplaces were close on 24 March 2008. We went to the building of DTP in the district, as we learned people were going to the building of DTP as saying that “corpse was stolen and was buried” since 08.00.  Incidents were about to occur once again. As time passed, tension increased. At about 09.15, we heard sounds of gun from different areas. Mr. Fahrettin Şedal, who was sending off his guest in front of his house next to Eski Cami (Old Mosque) in Kışla Area, was wounded because of gun shooting.

A committee, which was composed of Mr. Mihdi Perinçek the spokesman of the observation committee, Mr. Hamit Geylani and Ms. Sevahir Bayındır MPs, Mr. Salih Yıldız the Mayor of Yüksekova, Mr. Abdin Eniş member of city council from DTP, Mr. Vahit Şahinoğlu Yüksekova District Chairman of DTP, and brother of İkbal Yaşar, went to building of District Governorship to interview with Mr. Ayhan Nasuhbeyoğlu the Governor and Mr. Mehmet Ünal the District Governor.

First the committee informed them about the incidents the day before. Then, the committee told that in order not to cause spreading incidents more; the corpse of İkbal Yaşar, who had been buried opposed to consent of family the day before, should be given back to his family in the shortest period within legal process. The family should bury the corpse in a place where they want. This issue should be provided by officials. Such a burial would decrease tension in the district and normal life would start once again.

Mr. Mehmet Ünal, the District Govenor, made the following statement about the burial process; “I invited family to the District Governorship after the autopsy. They were four people, mother, father, a sister and brother. I informed them about the situation. They had a positive attitude about burial at night. They wanted to see the corpse. I sent them to the hospital. They went to house after they saw the corpse. Then they did not accept burial at night. We buried Mr. İkbal Yaşar at night after 02.00 when there were his 3 relatives. ”

Mr. Ayhan Nasuhbeyoğlu the Governor made the following statement, in summary, “the family has such a legal right to demand for taking back the corpse. They can do this. I cannot say anything about how long this process will take. First the family should apply then we will deal with the issue. The incidents are not good. It is a worrisome incident that I have experienced throughout my 25 years period of administration profession. I believe human rights. I believe human rights are necessary. People do not act oppose to the law. Should they act in a manner that oppose to the law, there is no choice for us except for intervention. I cannot prevent intervention if there is an action oppose to the law. I noted the information that you gave about yesterday. I will deal with this issue.”

The first meeting finished. The family applied to the Public Prosecutor Office in the district and got the permission after process was concluded. When we went once again to the Governorship to meet the Governor regarding with the permission, we saw that the Security Director of the Province and two military officials were in the room. Military officials left room without interviewing with the committee. The interview was about not to have new problems in corpse transferring and new burial period.

The corpse was taken by Mr. Mihdi Perinçek the spokesman of the observation committe, the Mayor of Yüksekova District and personnel who would build tomb at about 13.00. The corpse was taken to city with accompany of policeman who is in charge of security. Then the corpse was taken to the mosque. At the same time, other members of the committee dealt with sending people in front of the mosque. The corpse was taken to the graveyard at about 14.25. People went back to their houses at about 16.00-16.30.

There was 1 death, 11 wounded people (4 of them were serious) and 20 people were detained during the incidents in Yüksekova district on 23–24 March.

It has been determined that many people, who were wounded in the incidents both in Van province and Yüksekova district, did not go to medical institutions as they feared from detention. Therefore the number of wounded people is more than announced official data.


1-      Refusing applications for Newroz celebrations on 22 March 2008 in Van, 23 March 2008 in Yüksekova caused incidents,

2-     The first intervention, which caused spreading incidents, in Van was carried out without any warning. Sticks and gas bombs were used in this intervention. Guns were shot into air in the second intervention. If security force members had acted in tolerance, experiencing such worrisome incidents in Yüksekova would have not occurred (it is just a prediction),

3-     Therefore, incidents went on with spreading to other areas in living places, real bullets were used against demonstrators, security force members shot their guns with targeting people,

4-      All people, who were detained in Van and Yüksekova, were beaten. Moreover; even people, who were detained after they were paralyzed, were subjected to damage and force,

5-     In Van; security force members entered into workplaces and block offices and threatened people, exercised repression on people. In Yükseova; security force members damaged some cars and broke windows of some houses,

6-      Security forces intervened the building of DTP in Van province. This intervention caused problematic situation there,

7-      Mr. Zeki, in Van, and Mr. İkbal Yaşar lost their lives because of gun bullets,

8-     Demonstrators threw stones which may cause damage in case touches sensitive parts on body, 

9-      Security forces used excessive and unproportional force,

10-  The human rights observation committee’s attempts to meet with the Governor in Van and the District Governor, to preventing spreading incidents more,  in Yüksekova on 23 March 2008 were unsuccessful.



Our committee has convicted that;

1- As Mr. Zeki Erinç and İkbal Yaşar were shot down, their right to life was violated,

2- During the incidents, many people were detained in an unfair manner,

3- Prohibition on torture was violated as many people were subjected to torture both being detained and were being transferred to detention places,

4- Houses, workplaces and cars were destroyed, which is violation of right of property,

5- Using excessive and uproportional force is violation of right to life in security,

6- As some citizens feared from being detained, they did not go to medical institutions but treated via their own capacities. This situation is violation of right of health.


Right to life and prohibition on torture are the basic elements of international laws and human rights instruments that Turkey has signed. Moreover, national law and legal documents state that right to life cannot be violated and torture and ill-treatment cannot be practised.

There are important eye witnesses, who prove our stated convictions about right to life and prohibition on torture. If there will be an effective Administrative and legal investigation about incidents, incidents will be revealed clearly and with all related aspects. Therefore, we call for the Government and The Human Rights Committee in Turkish Parliament to carry out their responsibility to conduct investigation and enlighten incidents in a manner that is acceptable for public conscience.

Intervention to demonstrations and activities, which are related with freedom of thought, freedom of expression and right to association, contradicts with human rights principles and is a violation and crime in accordance with universal legal norms.

As Human Rights Organization and defenders; we will be legal follower of these incidents. Our attempts will continue until there will an atmosphere under which none of human rights especially right to life are violated.

Best Regards

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