The statement of Turkish Land Forces Commander General Ilker Basbug

           The statement of Turkish Land Forces Commander General İlker Başbuğ in Diyarbakir is worrisome in terms of the position of army in a democratic society, freedom of press and being informed, independence of judiciary and internal peace

The statement by Mr. İlker Başbuğ-General the Commander of Turkish Land Forces- which was made on 10th March 2007 in Diyarbakır, does not comply with democratic principles, independence of judiciary, freedom of press and being informed also is extremely worrisome in terms of internal peace.

In a democratic country; internal and foreign policy of the country is determined by civil governments and these institutions, also, decide how to solve basic problems. However; recently military officials, by exceeding their sphere of duties, make statements even in a manner of intervention to sphere of duties of institutions that should be impartial and independent about internal and foreign policy issues. 

When the Land Forces Commander’s statement, which was made on 10th March in Diyarbakır, is considered within this frame:

“If there is a military necessity Turkey, within the frame of the Constitution, laws and the rules of international law, may always take appropriate precautions against the separatist terrorist organization that is in the Northern part of Iraq. In our view, this issue should not be an agenda topic of the public more than it should be…” the expression is like an instruction to the media and is an open intervention to the freedom of press and being informed.

An expression “the best guarantee for the security of Iraq, whoever the ruler in Iraq, is gaining the friendship of Turkey.” is the one which a democratic and peaceful country should avoid. The right of peace is all of the peoples’ right and everyone should respect it.

“Ethnic and cultural difference might be in every country. However; respecting for these differences is something different from highlighting them and from trying to make them dominant. Solution of conflict, due to ethnic reasons, is based on Nation State Mentality. Common points are composed of unity of language, culture and ideal” is a statement that exceeds the aim of “fight against terrorism” and the sphere of duties of military; moreover it has qualities which regard different languages and cultures as a “threat” against the unity of the country and block civil democratic policy and solutions.

The expressions about the Newroz festivals provide a basis to perceive celebrations as illegal and connected to the terrorist organization beforehand the event. Repressing, via reminding Anti Terror Law and even defining offences, activities of celebrating a festive and exercising cultural right is both worrisome in terms of internal peace and also has a quality of message to judiciary and security forces. Independence of judiciary, which is sine qua non for the principle of state of law, has been damaged with these expressions.

Recently tension in the society has been created, on the basis on Iraqi policies on the days of 8th, 12th and 21st March, subsequently the atmosphere of internal peace and tolerance are damaged. Notably administrators and all groups in the society should avoid from attitude, statement and actions that increase tension. Democratic principles, rights and freedoms should be highlighted but violence should be avoided in celebrations. Administrative authorities and security forces should not act in prohibitive, obstructive and punishing manner and mentality, but; provide an atmosphere which is necessary for an atmosphere where celebrations are held in peace and suitable way for everyone’s own culture and tradition.


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