Aftermath the 11 September attack, the debate brought by the USA on the security/freedom dilemma has strengthen the tendency towards restricting human rights and freedoms in worldwide. As a result, in many countries freedoms have been restricted by legislation and implementation.

USA, in line with these practices, identified some countries as "axis of evil" under the name of fight against terrorism. North Korea, Iran and Iraq are counted among those countries.

It has been understood that a military attack to Iraq was planned by the USA and this attack would be conducted soon.

We, undersigned this declaration as organisations against war, would like to share our views on the issue with world and Turkish public opinion.

We say "NO" to the war!

Because we know that war is a catastrophy for humanity. War vanishes nature and human beings. It increases grieves. War strengthens violent tendencies at world wide. It causes growth of new enmity feelings among countries and people. War aggravates existing inequalities in the world. War negatively affects first of all women and children and in general civilians. People were detached from their home lands and culture, refugee drama were experienced.

We defend peace to be protected among people and countries. It is only the peace which will cause human rights and freedoms to leaf out.

We say "NO" to military attack to Iraq planned by the USA and its alliences

The USA violates the states law. The USA is attempting to regulate the world for its imperialist purposes. It attempts to change regimes of countries with armed forces. The USA which supports oppressive regimes at world wide as a general policy, when it becomes necessary for its own interests attempts to eliminate these oppresive regimes with armed interventions. Then the USA explains it as fight against terrorism. The USA alleges as one of the justifications that Iraq has biological and chemical weapons. We are completely against the production and the use of biological and chemical weapons whoever produces or uses as the means of war. The USA, just as Iraq, does not give allowance for the control over its biological and chemical weapons. It seems to us that the war of the USA is a war of petroleum and strengthening its power realm.

We say "NO" to Turkey to become a party in this war

Turkey should not take a part in this war. On the contrary, Turkey should be intensively involved in prevention of this war.

Turkey should refuse all promises about erasing debths, possession of petroleum and obtaining extra land which is introduce as bribe to getr id of economic crises. Iraqi people are our neighbours and shall stay as neighbours. People of Turkey do not have any problem with Iraqi people. To be in interest expectations over the grieves of Iraqi people is disrespectfulness to the pride of people of Turkey after having a hundred year- cultural and historical interaction as well as many other ties.

Turkey should not enter in an adventure in Iraqi land where relatives of Turkish citizens do live in.; should refuse proposals like occupation and annexation.

In addition, Turkey should close down military basis of the USA established in Turkish territory.

In case of the entrance of Turkey into the war, beside the loss of human lives, use of existing rights and freedoms of the democratic powers shall be restricted, associations and trade unions shall be closed, meetings and demonstrations shall be banned and additional taxes shall be introduced in Turkey.

Future of Iraq should be left to the Iraqi people

It is a well-known fact that the Saddam regime (Iraqi government) makes its own people suffer. However, this do not give any right to any other state to use military power to Iraq.

Within the circumstances we have, the United Nations should immediately intervene for the peace establishing the sipirit of the UN and the problems should be solved with diplomatic channels.

Iraq war of the USA should absolutely be prevented.

We call on the peace-lover peoples of the world and the people of Turkey to conduct an effective struggle to prevent war and to establish peace.

Kaya Güvenç, President, The Union of Chambers of Enginners and Architects of Turkey
Hüsnü Öndül, President, Human Rights Association
Metin Bakkalcı, Vice President of the Turkish Medical Association and Representative of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey
Şinasi Haznedar Vice President, Mazlumder
Mustafa Coşar Secretary General, House of People Association
Haydar Kaya Vice President, Party of Labour (EMEP)
Fevzi Gümüş Member of the Party Council, Liberty and Solidarity Party (ÖDP)
Gülten Irgın Flying Broom
Elvan Olkun Contemporary Lawyers Association
Emine Kart Contemporary Journalists Association
Doğan Karataş Association for Solidarity with Relatives of Prisoners (TAYAD)

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