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Detained   human rights   lawyer Ms Filiz Kalayci will   face   the second   hearing   of   her   trial   on 28 January 2010. The hearing will be held before the 11th Heavy Penal Court of Ankara at 2pm. Filiz Kalayci is a member of the executive committee of the Human Rights Association (IHD) and was working on prison conditions and human rights violations in prisons at the time of her arrest in May 2009. If Filiz Kalayci is found guilty of the charge of “aiding an illegal organisation”, she could face a prison sentence of six years. Front Line previously sent an appeal in relation to Filiz Kalayci on 28 May 2009.

Filiz Kalayci was first arrested on 12 May 2009 along with three other lawyers, when her office and residence  were   raided   by   officers   of   the   Ankara   Directorate   of   Security’s   Anti-Terrorism Department.  She was charged of aiding an illegal organisation – the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The 11th Heavy Penal Court of Ankara ordered her release on 14 May 2009, but the Public Prosecutor appealed the decision and issued another arrest warrant on 25 May 2009. Filiz Kalayci was thus re-arrested on 27 May 2009. She has been detained since then at the F-type (maximum security) Sincan’s Women’s Prison in Ankara.

While the three other lawyers arrested on 12 May were released, only Filiz Kalayci was re-arrested on 27 May. It is reported that during the interrogation she was asked why IHD organises activities and issues press releases on prison conditions and human rights violations in prisons, confirming the concern that she has been targeted as a result of her legitimate work in defence of human rights.

Front Line believes that the charges against Filiz Kalayci represent retaliation for her human rights work.  Front Line is concerned for the physical and psychological integrity of Filiz Kalayci while in detention.

Front Line calls on you to urge the Turkish authorities to:

1. Release Filiz  Kalayci  immediately  and without   condition,  and drop  the  charge brought against her, as Front Line believes that she is being held solely as a result of her legitimate and peaceful work in the defence of human rights;

2. Ensure that the treatment of Filiz Kalayci, while in detention, adheres to all those conditions set  out   in  the  Body of  Principles   for   the Protection of  All  Persons under  Any Form of Detention   or   Imprisonment,  adopted   by  UN General  Assembly   resolution   43/173   of   9 December 1988;

3. Guarantee in all circumstances that human rights defenders in Turkey are able to carry out their legitimate human rights activities without fear of reprisals, and free of all restrictions including judicial harassment.

Yours sincerely,

Mary Lawlor

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