Urgent Note: Closure of Human Rights Association Branches

Closure of Human Rights Association Branches
Malatya (East Anatolia) By a decision of Governor’s Office in Malatya on 28 November 2000 the Human Rights Association Malatya branch was banned to be active and the board members have been temporarily dismissed until the completion of court file. Malatya Court of First Instance consented the decision.

Reason: having confiscated publications

Duration for closure: indefinite period of time

Gaziantep (South East) With the consent of Governor’s Office the branch was closed down by the Gaziantep Court of First Instance on 7 December 2000.

Reason: For initiating hunger strike in the branch premises to protest F-Type prisons on 1 December 2000 Friday from 10:00 onwards as well as there has been decisions in different dates for closure

Duration for closure: Indefinite period of time

Van (East Anatolia) Branch was closed down by a decision of Governors Office on 19 December 2000

Reason: Infringement of the Law on Association and holding hunger strikes in the premises

Duration for closure: indefinite period of time

Konya (Central Anatolia) closed down on 22 December 2000 by a decision of Sub-Governor’s Office

Reason: having posters on the walls which was specified in a control in accordance with the article 45 of the Law on Associations and with reason that the Branch has been acted beyond its aims.

Duration of closure: 45 days

İzmir (Western Anatolia) Closed down on 2 January 2001 by the consent of the İzmir Court of First Instance on the decision of the Governor’s office

Reason: presence of 16 non-member individuals in the premises of the association during the control made by the decision of Public Prosecutor of the State Security Court
Duration of closure: 10 days

Bursa (Marmara Region): The branch was visited by teams of Anti-terror branch of the Directorate of Security at around 24:00 hrs on 1 January 2001 and 4 members of the Association, two of them are hunger strikers- were taken under detention. Policemen belong to the Associations Desk of the Security department, later came and sealed the door of the association with the reason of security. On 2 January 2001 at 12:00 hrs the seal was taken off and handled over to the management of the Association. 4 more members (taken from their homes) of the Association together with previous four have still been under detention at the Anti-Terror Branch of the Security department. An investigation has been opened for board members of the Association.  They will give testimony to the Prosecutor on 3 January 2001.

Human Rights Association Headquarters

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