Peace in Turkey, Middle East and the World!

28th Article in Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized”.

In this article Universal Declaration reveals that in order to provide life, freedom, safety, health, education, equality and other human rights; social and international order is the right for everyone. In the preparation period, a Lebanese delegate proposed the 28th article. Today, unfortunately, the delegate’s country Lebanon and Palestine are attacked and bombed by Israel. Therefore not only Lebanese and Palestinian people but all other citizens’ rights, because of 28th article, are violated.

Israel reacts, with expanding the invasion to the whole Middle East geography, to Palestinians’ freedom demand. At first children, women die and homes, villages are demolished. In their country and streets of cities Palestinians become target to bullets by foreign soldiers. War’s cruel and inhuman characteristics are reflected from the Middle East, once again, to the whole world. United Nations, which prepared Universal Declaration, only watched Israel’s militant manner. “Sending troop to Lebanon decision”, after too long negotiations, is insufficient (only by itself) to bring peace to the Midde East. Conditions, in which people can live in peace, hand in hand for all people in Middle East including Israel people, should be created.

In spite of all these desperate atmosphere, there are some events that courage and create hope for us regarding future. Peace supporters in Israel build homes in which both Palestinian and Israelite children live together. Moreover; Palestinian intellectual, with knowing that we cannot change our past but can build a fair-safety future, start a campaing to stop suicide bombings.

In our country, Turkey, there is still armed conflict that causes death of ten thousands people. Turkish society suffered too much from Kurd problem that can be solved by democracy and political methods. Now, we have to fight to create an atmosphere in which we can live in peace and share suffers that we lived. We should express our demand for peace in a stronger manner regarding that Peace is right for all society without discriminating Turk-Kurd and all people in the society need Peace and armed conflict that continues for 20 years brings nothing except for greater problems.

As Human Rights Defenders, we remind persons, who insist on violence and war, that there are democracy, dialouge and ways for political solutions. There are other ways for struggle and solution apart from die or kill.

Before conflict atmosphere terminate completely our Humanity;





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