We are Deeply Concerned With the Latest Developments and Practices

We are worrying, because;

  • Things are not going well in Turkey with respect to issue of human rights and freedoms. Optimistic expectations for the long-awaited improvements regarding rights and freedoms have been given its place to pessimism,
  • The death penalty was lifted; however extrajudicial executions have become common practice in the country,
  • The principle of “rule of law” couldn’t be implemented and another lynching attempt occurs in each coming day ,
  • Discrimination and enmity having been stirred up and ethnical clashes are trying to be brought to the agenda,
  • Human rights organizations are selected as the target of the discourse of “anti-terror struggle,”
  • Intellectuals that express their demand and work for the establishment of a perpetual peace in Turkey are being blackened or people are incited to take aim at them,
  • The optimism arisen following the prime minister’s words has given its place to a very serious tension,
  • It is so easy to notice the uneasiness of some circles towards the works of different groups that have been trying to decrease the tension, or trying to find democratic solutions for the problems. In the wake of the discourses and implementations during the recent times, the approaches that aim to solve problems through the use of arms seem to have gained power.

 These developments are causes for serious concern for those who take side with human rights, freedoms and democracy. However, those official and non-official circles taking side with status quo and feeding themselves and strengthening their power from violence, have regarded the developments as a means for themselves to transform Turkey into a police-state. Therefore, they have been arranging the environment for lynching attempts against people exercising their democratic rights, and labeling any particular exercising of democratic rights as a “Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) action” and every “Kurdish” citizen as a “PKK member.” They also try to marginalize and to intimidate the human rights organizations and intellectuals that brought the concept and culture of human rights to this country by labeling them as “PKK supporters”.

 The city and district governors’ and security forces’ being far from impartiality in their approach to the incidents is also adding to our worry. Moreover, the criminal proceedings following the incidents were launched not against the provocateurs or those responsible for the events but against the victims. It is also noticeable that the judiciary bodies are remaining ineffective or having even wrong effects through their treatment of the people involved in the incidents. Some of the dominant media institutions are broadcasting programs aiming at human rights and freedoms and showing no hesitation in supporting the negative course of events.

 The lynching attempts that occurred on 4th of September in various cities of the country and especially in Bozöyük and Eskişehir are causing grave concerns. The government, which is responsible for running the country politically and administratively, is expected to take necessary and effective measures to ensure the implementation of the principle of rule of law in the country.

 Everyone was aware that there will be a demonstration in city of Bursa’s Gemlik town days ahead of the 4th of September. The government and administrators at this point were tasked for ensuring people’s right to peaceful gathering and demonstration. However, besides prohibiting people from using their rights, the government and administrators took no measure to ensure the security of citizens and their life were put under risk. Then, the attacks of organized political groups were encouraged by presenting them as “reactions of citizens.” The roads were blocked, busses were attacked and people were tried to be burnt to death within the busses carrying them. Despite all that had been occurred, security forces launched no criminal proceeding against the assailants but detained victims after severely beating them. During the incidents 144 people, among which two were in serious condition, were wounded.

 The government’s attitude towards the incidents is also a cause for concern. Encouragement of the organized political groups that are considering themselves equal to security forces, through not punishing them, manifests the government’s failure in fulfilling its duty. Our country is leading into a civil war. All state institutions and especially Parliament and the government should take measures urgently to ensure the implementation of the principle of “rule of law.” The government should warn governors and local administrators to carry out their job effectively and with respect to impartiality. Moreover, the public workers who are found to have neglected their job or involved in any wrongdoing during the incidents must be subjected to criminal and administrative proceedings.

 On the other hand, those individuals and institutions that have been exercising their democratic rights should clearly avoid using violence as a means and should try to make their demands public through peaceful discourses and actions. Those circles that expect to gain interest through increasing tension and violence should not be given any opportunity. Everyone should avoid making use of actions and behaviors that could harm peace in this country.

MAZLUM-DER (Association of Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed People)
Deputy Chairperson

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