Twenty seven years ago, just 6 days after from the military coup of 12th September 1980, Mr. Huseyin Morsumbul was forcibly taken out among us and disappeared. In Turkey throughout the twenty seven years; hundreds people, whose life are under the guarantee of the State, have been disappeared by similar methods. The State’s inconceivable silence, about outcomes of disappeared people and revealing responsible people, still continues. We speak, once again, to those, who have been ignoring all responsibilities for, during twenty seven years, being a Law State and all obligations related with UN Conventions despite demands from families of disappeared people and from human rights organizations, and expects from us to forget “them” throughout the twenty seven years. We will not forget “THEM”!
We are aware of that;
“Forcibly Disappearance is a crime against humanity”!
“Any situations, including war, declaration of war, interior instability or any other emergency situation cannot justify forcibly disappearances”
Declaration on the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance describes states’ responsibilities clearly.
We are aware of that;
Establishing a democratic state and society, by transferring all lawlessness of the past to forgetfulness of memory, is impossible. An actual democracy will is the one, in which there is a will face up to past and bringing responsible people to court as well.
We are aware of that;
Obligation of being a Democratic Law State is protecting citizens’ right to life under any circumstances. In Turkey, the State does not fulfil its responsibilities about outcomes of our hundreds disappeared citizens.
We are aware of that;
Unless outcomes of forcibly disappeared to be revealed and responsible people are judged, reaching to social peace in the country is not possible. Experiences in all countries, where forcibly disappearances are seen, show that disappearances are carried out by state or organized forces supported by state.
We are aware of that;
After each disappeared person, we lose some part of our humanity values as well. All of our right to life is depend on revealing outcomes of disappeared people and responsible people.