What is Omar al-Bashir Doing in Turkey?

We regret to learn that Sudan President Omar al-Bashir participated in the Islamic Cooperation Organisation Extraordinary Summit in Istanbul on 13 December 2017.

There is an arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Sudan President Omar al-Bashir. This decision was taken within the scope of the ICC investigation regarding the genocide, crime against humanity and war crimes in Darfour.

On 13 August 2008, the ICC made a statement and demanded the ICC decision regarding Sudan be carried out.

Even though Sudan is a party to the Rome Statute of the ICC, an investigation was carried out in line with a decision regarding Darfour issued by the UN in 2005. After the 20-month investigation, arrest warrants against Ahmed Muhammed Harun (former Sudan Ministry of Interior) and Ali Muhammed Ali Abd-al-Rahman (aka Ali Kushayb, Janjaweed leader) were issued by the ICC. The arrest warrants are regarded with the crimes committed by Sudan Armed Forces and Janjaweeds in August 2003 and March 2004 in Kodoom, Bindisi, Mukjar and Arawala town and its vicinities, which resulted in the deaths of 1000 people in West Darfour. The arrest warrants are yet to be executed. After the Sudanese government declared that they won’t abide by and cooperate with the ICC, the ICC prosecutor submitted his complaints and report on this matter to the UN Security Council.

Within the scope of the Article 13 of the Turkish Criminal Code, IHD made a written demand to the Ministry of Justice for launching an investigation in Turkey with regard to Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and the other persons on which there are arrest warrants issued by the ICC. However, the demand is also yet to be met.

On 5 November 2009, Turkey Coalition for the ICC made a statement to Turkey in detail that these persons should not be in Turkey subsequent to learning that Omar al-Bashir would pay a visit to Turkey.

On 14 July 2008, the ICC prosecutor Luis-Moreno Ocampo submitted to the Court the file prepared regarding the claims that Omar al-Bashir committed genocide, crime against humanity and war crimes in Darfour and demanded an arrest warrant against al-Bashir be issued.

The ICC issued arrest warrant against Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on 4 March 2009 and al-Bashir declares on every occasion that he won’t abide by this decision. The ICC’s 2009 decision is based on the claim that al-Bashir committed crimes against humanity in Darfour, and al-Bashir is a fugitive of justice as of March 2009. Al-Bashir is a person having 2 international arrest warrants against himself, and what’s more, they are regarded with genocide. And this person freely came to Turkey.

Turkey is not a party to the Rome Statute recognizing the jurisdiction of the ICC. However, it’s a questionable situation that a president having international arrest warrant regarding grave and serious accusations comes to Turkey and undersigns a decision taken with regard to Jerusalem.

This person that we learned having come to Turkey within Islamic Cooperation Organization Extraordinary Summit should have been arrested by Turkish authorities and surrendered to the ICC prosecution. Causing the death of around 300.000 people, how can Omar al-Bashir be a contribution to the Palestine case. How can such a person interviewing with Erdogan be a contribution for Turkey?

It was indicated in the Islamic Cooperation Organization that the decisions taken were addressed to the UNSC decisions and the case will be brought to the UNSC. How much weight will Islam countries which do not abide by the ICC decisions have before the UN? As seen, Omar al-Bashir’s participation in the meeting overshadows the decisions taken and questions the sincerity of the participant countries.

Turkey should not deviate from justice both domestically and internationally. If this person is still in Turkey, he should be arrested and surrendered to the Hague. On the contrary, we would like to point that Turkey, who cannot perceive justice, cannot resolve any problem.