World Day of Peace, 1st of September

Weapons Should Be Silenced Forever, Peace Is Possible!

Once again on 1st of September, World Day of Peace;

We are marking another World Day of Peace amidst reports of wars and conflicts around the world causing death and catastrophe. Three million children were dead, five million become disabled and more than 20 million people were forcefully displaced and left to starvation and poverty because of the wars occurred during the last 15 years of the world. Not even a day passes without television footages broadcasting scenes of brutality from the wars in the Middle East; especially in Iraq and Palestine.

Despite all these sorrowful events and disasters suffering by the peoples of the world, the international weapon-seller monopolies are continuing to increase their interests and keeping on manufacturing new weapons that could kill more and more people. International instruments, which are tasked with ensuring and protecting the peace in the world, are losing their effects under the pressure of the powerful states. The relations between states are continuing to be established with respect to the military strength of each state. An authoritarian, repressive and militarist approach is trying to be implemented as the main method in the relations between states and their citizens. Human rights and freedoms are continuing to be restricted with new legal regulations in many countries throughout the world.

 Once again on 1st of September , the World Day of Peace;

We reached the World Day of Peace amidst the news reports of deaths from southeastern Anatolian cities of Mardin, Hakkari, Şırnak and Batman. Death of the 40,000 of our fellow citizens, forceful displacement of millions of our people, thousands of killings by unidentified assailants and thousands of those who were forcefully disappeared, those who were deprived of their right to education, health care, food and shelter, and tens of thousands of children who were thrown into the poverty on the streets mean nothing to those who were determined to solve social problems by means of wars, violence and militarist methods. 

On the contrary, a social psychology triggering people for violence and lynching attempts is trying to be spread among the peoples of our country. Facing with such attempts of spreading enmity among people with regard to the ethnical differences in the society, legitimizing the use of violence; we, as the defenders of human rights are re-emphasizing the importance of tolerance, freedom, equality and fraternity of people.

 On World Day of Peace;

 Our country and the whole world is in need of a “peace,” which would ensure peoples’ equality and freedom, and would secure justice and solidarity in the society along with ensuring universal rights and freedom of people. We, as human rights defenders, are calling on everyone to insist on regarding differences among people as a reason for equality and to insist on democratic and peaceful methods for the solution of all social problems, especially for the Kurdish question. We call on people to fight for perpetual peace.

Peace is possible. We want to live in peace.

If you want peace

Take side with Peace …

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