İHD-HRFT Statement on 10 October 2021 Memorial Service


Attack on the 10 October Memorial Service is an Attack on Peace and Democracy!


10 October 2021


On 10 October 2015, 104 people including children were killed while more than 500 people including 391 in critical condition were wounded in bombed attacks known to have been carried out by ISIS before the Ankara Train Station, the designated meeting space for the “Labor, Democracy and Peace” rally planned upon a call by labor and professional organizations.

Although six years have passed after the fact, no effective judicial process that would satisfy public conscience, most particularly the loved ones of those who lost their lives and were wounded, was put in place to find the perpetrators of this massacre and to serve justice. Moreover, memorial services planned by the loved ones of those who lost their lives and by labor and professional organizations have been held in the company of bans and attacks by the police each and every year.

Indeed, the intervention into the memorial service to be held on 10 October 2021 in Ankara began when the trees placed in the memory of those who lost their lives were taken away from the area upon an order by the governor’s office on the night of 9 October. The intervention continued with the authorities’ refusal of access to the meeting place to citizens and representatives of democratic organizations who wanted to join the commemoration to be held at the time when the suicide bomber attack was carried out. Tens of people, including members and executives of the Human Rights Association, were arrested having been subjected to practices by the law enforcement, who used gas and batons, that amounted to torture and ill-treatment during the intervention.


We call on the authorities;

Serve justice by implementing an effective and transparent judicial process involving the loved ones of 104 people who were killed in the attack carried out by the organization named ISIS on 10 October 2015, labor and professional organizations along with legal and rights organizations, thereby easing the suffering of those who lost their loved ones. Rapidly launch inquiries and investigations that will identify all those at fault and negligent in the massacre including the security, intelligence and law enforcement units. Immediately initiate remedial and redress processes.

Respect the right to mourn of the loved ones of those who lost their lives, labor and professional organizations and citizens, and give up banning memorial services. Take measures that will facilitate all memorial services to be held all over the country, most notably before the Ankara Train Station where the 10 October massacre was carried out, in conformity with the state’s positive obligations.

Immediately initiate judicial and administrative processes into the authorities who gave orders to intervene with batons and gas into citizens, members and executives of trade unions, professional organizations, legal and rights-based civil society organizations who wanted to join the memorial service on 10 October 2021. Release all those arrested without delay.

We respectfully announce to the public that we will closely follow the judicial and administrative procedures into those responsible.