HRJP: Torture Is A Crime Against Humanity!


Torture Is A Crime Against Humanity!

 13 February 2024


Torture is a crime and so is any behavior that enables it!

Torture cannot be justified, no matter who you are and for what purpose!

Torture is not subject to a statute of limitations and traces of torture do not disappear over time as it causes permanent damage!

States have a responsibility and obligation in this regard!


Torture is defined as physical or psychological conduct that intentionally inflicts severe pain and suffering on a person for the purpose of extracting information, punishment, intimidation, or fear. It can take various forms, including but not limited to physical violence, psychological manipulation, deprivation of basic needs, and sexual abuse.

Combating torture is the most important task of human rights organizations and defenders. Stigmatizing, defaming and discrediting those who fight against torture can only serve to legitimize torture. Those who hope to benefit from such legitimization may one day become victims of this crime themselves.

Professor of Forensic Medicine Şebnem Korur Fincancı, a respected human rights defender and a world-class scientist, is the honor of our country. She is a valuable companion who works and struggles in line with scientific data and with the responsibility that her profession and being a human rights defender imposes on her. We condemn the posts that have been circulated in the media in recent days against Şebnem Korur Fincancı, which have been turned into a completely one-sided defamatory campaign, and we demand an end to such posts.

We would also like to remind all that the producers of this video post owe an apology to Şebnem Korur Fincancı and all those who struggle against torture for publishing only what they are told in order to create a deliberate sense of mistrust against human rights defenders.

We will continue to fight together against all defamatory publications, activities and campaigns against human rights defenders and against the tradition of torture that is being revived.

The fight against torture is the most legitimate and respectable struggle!


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