July 25, 2014


On July 19, 2012, Kurds and other peoples acting in concert with Kurds have realized a revolution which has a historical significance, in Rojava Region of Syria. They formed and proclaimed their autonomy during the Syrian civil war. In the second year of the Rojava Revolution, the powers who want to strangle this revolution did not stand idle and engaged the jihadist organizations. The attacks of the jihadist organizations like Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra and ISIS to Rojava were in fact aimed to abolish the Rojava Revolution and peoples autonomy in Rojava. We condemn these attacks.

As mentioned in the reports of HRA (Hatay Region Report February 2013, Ceylanpınar-Serekaniye Region Report August 2013 and Turkey-Rojava Border Line Report October 2013) and its branches, it is now known that jihadist organizations use Turkey as a logistics base to perform different attacks.

In the recent period, because of the increasing number of attacks of ISIS to Kobane Canton-Rojava, the Kurds in Turkish Kurdistan pitched up resistance tents in Suruç and Bilecik to support Kobane. But the Turkish Government did not allow them and set the tents on fire. But people’s resistance became victorious and it keeps going in the border line of Birecik-Ziyaret Village. On 19-20 July and after then HRA Executives had intensive observations and they witnessed these resistances. A report in this context is being prepared and will be published soon.

On July 23, 2014, President of HRA Öztürk Türkdoğan, Central Board Members of HRA and Executive Board members of HRA Şanlıurfa Branch visited the resistance point at the border line in Birecik-Ziyaret Village. The Committee met with some deputies and other people in there. In those meetings, very interesting determinations and allegations were set. The most remarkable one was about the Karkamış Camp which belongs to the Syrian asylum-seekers near Karkamış Dam Lake. According to the allegations, ISIS uses this camp as a logistical base. Attacks to Rojava-Kobane Canton are carried out through Turkey using this camp. HDP-BDP committees wanted to set resistance tents to this area but the Turkish Military troops interfered hardly, tents were set on fire, their vehicles were destroyed, gas bombs and plastic bullets were used intensively most people’s belongings were plundered and they were forced to leave this area by spreading fear. This area is on a hill dominating the region especially the Karkamış Refugee Camp. Turkey prevents these resistance tents in the border line in order to ensure the jihadist groups cross the border line without being seen. There is not another explanation to these events. You will find detailed information about our observations and determinations in our report soon.

Finally, the misprision to the attacks of the ISIS to Rojava through Turkey-Rojava border, can be a subject of a trial in the context of war crimes and crimes of aggression.  We warn the authorities who support or tolerate these actions. In the International Criminal Court about Syria -which will be formed later or soon- the responsibilities of the Turkish Authorities will come to light. Besides, we invite Kurdish people and fractions in Turkey who are in favour of peace, democracy and freedom, to act with solidarity with Rojava people and to keep the Turkey-Rojava border line under supervision. We also invite peoples of Turkey to point out the relations of Turkish Government with jihadist groups and to think of the possible damages of these relations to Turkish Republic.

Human Rights Association

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