State’s insistence upon violence and killing its citizens cannot be accepted under any circumstances

“State’s insistence upon violence to solve problems, using firearm in intervention and killing its citizens cannot be accepted under any circumstances. On the other hand, not using violence in the process of expressing the Democratic rights is also necessity.”

State’s insistence upon force, pressure and violence methods in solving the problems has not made progress, however; caused to increase the problems and made them permanence. Moreover, the insistence upon the violence methods has caused not to build internal peace. The main reason of the “deadlock” is accepting demands, which related to economic, social, political and cultural problems, as “terror” problem and determining the country’s policies according to this acceptance.

The Government, which has come in to power with the arguments to make country democratic and to expand right-freedom areas and to guarantee these rights, contrary to its promises, conducts the old violence policies and bombs particular regions of the country and insists on destruction policies.

Mostly everyday, there is an official announcement on numbers of death persons. It is not regarded that the killed persons are at least a human, citizens of this country, they have a family and many relatives, thus; each murder causes waves that spread day by day. Moreover the main source of the recent incidents is ignored completely. The source is that the State policies, which do not care and solve the country problems.

The murder of the 14 persons in the recent military operation, which has been carried out both from air-land and even according to the some arguments chemical weapons also used, and the events during and after the death ceremonies of those people in Diyarbakır, Siirt, Van, Adana and some of other provinces, are the absolute practises of these violence policies that were explained above.

The Government is absolutely responsible for the social events in Diyarbakır and other provinces and employing the soldiers with complete tools, and the 3 murders including a child just in 2 days only in Diyarbakır. In a democratic country firearm is never used in preventing social events. If using firearm is inevitable, the risk of life right is decreased to the minimum by means of baton round. The last example such a social event is France. There is not yet any murder in the events, which is continuing for a week, in France. There are millions students in the events. On the other hand, in our country police and soldiers do not hesitate to use any army tools including firearm in intervening social event.

As human rights and non-governmental organizations we require preventing completely using firearm in social events by security forces. There should be a statement about murders and effective official inspection and those who are responsible will be punished 

The Government should admit that the country problems, starting from Kurd Problem, cannot be solved by only army methods and using violence. Moreover, the Government should put in to practice democratic and peaceful policies. There should be some progression in this perspective before the events spread to larger parts.

On the other hand, the citizens who express their democratic reactions should avoid from using violence. The violence events that cause to demolition of many shops in Diyarbakýr, cannot be acceptable. In expressing reactions and demands, people should not use violence and be aware about the provocations.

We call everybody for common sense and avoid from provocative activities. We expect that neither security forces nor people will use violence in the death ceremony, which was announced to carry out.



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