Pressure, arrests and detentions decisions that made against DTP (Democratic Society Party) members/executives cause a tense…

Concerns of Health Conditions of Mr. Abdullah Ocalan

In order to Solve Concerns of Health Conditions of Mr. Abdullah Ocalan; An Independent Committee of…

Israel Commits “Crime Against Humanity” in Palestine and Lebanon

Israel’s attack, which is being conducted on Palestine and covers also Lebanon grounding to rescuing one…

Press Release about Incidents in Diyarbakir

As the administrators of Organization for Human Rights&Solidarity for Oppressed People (MAZLUMDER), Human Rights Foundation of…

Press Release about Investigations on Incidents in Diyarbakir

TO PUBLIC AND PRESS In order to observe social incidents, which occurred during/after the funerals of…

On Conflict and Violence Incidents

Whoever plans-provokes or takes part in; the result of the violence, clash incidents does not change.…

State’s insistence upon violence and killing its citizens cannot be accepted under any circumstances

“State’s insistence upon violence to solve problems, using firearm in intervention and killing its citizens cannot…

Crisis of Caricature Threatens Peace in the World and Respect for Human Rights

The crisis, which existed after Prophet Mohammad’s caricature in a Danish Daily News and spread to…

Press Release about Kidnapping Policeman Hakan Acil

As being Organization for Human Rights&Solidarity for Oppressed People (MAZLUMDER) and Human Rights Organization (İHD) we…

As Human Rights Organizations, We Call Once Again For Releasing Of Kidnapped Policeman

As it is known, policeman Hakan Açıl was kidnapped by armed groups on 9 October 2005…