Hüsnü Öndül, a great loss for human rights defenders! We have lost our beloved friend, Hüsnü…
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OBS Alert: Arbitrary Detention of Şüheda Ronahi Çiftçi
Turkey: Arbitrary detention of human rights lawyer Şüheda Ronahi Çiftçi The Observatory has been informed by…
OBS UA for Eren Keskin and İHD
Turkey: Acts of harassment and threats against Eren Keskin and the Human Rights Association (İHD) The…
İHD November-December 2023 Digest
İHD November-December 2023 Digest 01.11.2023: İHD issued a statement celebrating the World Kobanê Day. https://ihd.org.tr/en/world-kobane-day/…
İHD Held Its 21st General Assembly
21st Ordinary General Assembly İHD held its 21st Ordinary General Assembly on 4-5 November 2023 in…
İHD September-October 2023 Digest
İHD September-October 2023 Digest 01.09.2023: İHD issued a statement celebrating 1 September World Peace Day.…
İHD May-June 2023 Digest
İHD May-June 2023 Digest 03.05.2023: İHD issued a statement on World Press Freedom Day underlining…
Front Line Defenders: Saturday Mothers Are Acquitted
Saturday Mothers/People are acquitted On 26 May 2023, fourteen human rights defenders from Cumartesi Anneleri/İnsanları…
Dunja Mijatović: The Turkish authorities must protect democratic freedoms
CoE Human Rights Commissioner Dunja Mijatović: Turkish Authorities Must Protect Democratic Freedoms Strasbourg 5 May 2023…