Human Rights Violations in Syria: Systematic Violation of the Right to Life

 Human Rights Violations in Syria: Systematic Violation of the Right to Life

As Human Rights Association, we have been following with great concern the long-standing human rights violations in Syria, and in particular the serious problems related to the right to life, which have reached grave proportions. In this process of clear violation of universal human rights norms and values, we witness inhuman practices such as systematic violence, violation of the right to life, torture, forced detention and violation of residential inviolability, especially against minority groups and Alawites.

These violent acts against minorities by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its affiliated armed groups show the darkest face of human rights crisis in Syria. Forced house raids, forced evictions, torture and abductions, are both in violation of international human rights conventions and human conscience. Such practices not only violate the right to life of individuals but also target the right of societies to live together.

As Human Rights Association:

  1. Protection of the Right to Life: We remind all parties the responsibility of the protection of the right to life which is the most fundamental human rights. The right to life of everyone regardless of their faith, ethnic origin or political opinion, is ensured by the international law.
  2. Defending Minority Rights: We demand an immediate end to systematic torture and discrimination, especially used against minority groups. A system should be established in which every individual has equal rights, regardless of their ethnic origin and beliefs.
  3. Call on the International Community: The international community should undertake more active role to put end the human rights violations in Syria. The United Nations and other international human rights organisations, should take action to monitor violations and bring those responsible to justice.

In this process, as the Human Rights Association, we announce that we will continue to inform the national and international public opinion that the rights violations in Syria have reached an alarming level and that we will continue to be the voice of the victims. No one can remain silent against these practices that undermine human dignity; we will continue our struggle for justice and peace.

Human Rights Association