İHD November-December 2022 Digest




06.11.2022: İHD released its annual human rights violations report for 2021 underlining Turkey’s need for democracy and respect for human rights.


İHD 2021 Human Rights Violations Report

13.11.2022: İHD condemned the attack in Taksim Square, İstanbul that claimed the lives of six people and called on the authorities to initiate effective investigations into the perpetrators of the attack.




21.11.2022: İHD released a statement criticizing the latest airstrikes by the Turkish military on northern and northeastern Syria and northern Iraq on 19 and 20 November 2022 indicating that persistence on conflict instead of peace in the Kurdish issue deepened humanitarian and economic crises leading to chaos.




23.11.2022: OBS issued an urgent appeal for İHD member and human rights lawyer Jiyan Tosun calling for an end to the criminalization of human rights defenders in Turkey.




28.11.2022: İHD released its latest survey on the public perception on conditional release and handcuffed medical examination of sick prisoners.




09.12.2022: İHD and HRFT released their annual data on human rights violations in Turkey in 2022 with a press statement on the occasion of 10 December Human Rights Day.




12.12.2022: İHD published a special report on the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey describing the state of democracy and human rights in the country.


İHD Special Report on the Upcoming Presidential and Parliamentary Elections