İHD on Labor Day 2020

Happy Labor Day!

1 Mayıs Kutlu Olsun!

Biji Yek Gulan!


1 May, the international day of unity and solidarity for workers, will be symbolically celebrated in 2020 in our country and the world under skyrocketing unemployment rates and crushing poverty brought about by the economic depression created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The fact that the regime prevented the staging of such symbolic celebration beforehand reveals its anti-labor and repressive character.

We are witnessing a historical time on this 1 May when workers are left face to face with death once again. Maintaining production in factories for the wheels of capitalism to turn has been risking workers’ lives against the coronavirus with higher mortality rates seen among the working population.

Deprivation of rights in work life deriving from the state of emergency regime in Turkey along with the impact of COVID-19 epidemic and the challenges in making ends meet even in everyday life, demonstrate yet again the indispensability of the struggle for economic and social rights which will be fierce.


For our dignity and rights

Happy Labor Day!

Yaşasın Bir Mayıs!

Biji Yek Gulan!


Human Rights Association