İHD Statement on the Recent Attack in Syria

İHD Statement on the Recent Attack in Syria

Authorities have stated that 33 soldiers lost their lives while 32 others were injured as a result of an attack against Turkish military troops in Syria’s İdlib region. İHD extends its condolences to the families and loved ones of those who lost their lives and the people of Turkey, and wishes a speedy recovery for the injured.

The Syrian civil war that broke out in March 2011 has at its current stage become one between Turkey and Syria which is quite serious and alarming. The fact that the political power has been engaged in an active military mobility in order to eliminate the consequences of problems rather than resolving them through dialogue and negotiation methods is the cause of this current situation.

İHD would like to reiterate that Turkey can resolve its Kurdish issue both at home and abroad through democratic and peaceful ways as long as it can put forth a political will to this end. It should utilize international mechanisms to full extent in order to solve its problems with other countries on a peaceful basis through dialogue.

As human rights defenders, we would like to underscore that wars cause tremendous suffering and destruction, therefore, everyone should oppose war.

Human Rights Association