Closure cases against associations curtail civic space

  Closure cases against associations are becoming a new method to hinder the critical work of…

New Report: Closure Cases against Associations in Turkey

  Closure cases against associations are becoming a new method to hinder the critical work of…

Joint Statement: Keeping Saturday Mothers in Closed Vehicles Violates the Prohibition of Torture and Ill-Treatment

  Keeping Saturday Mothers/People in Closed Vehicles for Hours Violates the Prohibition of Torture and Ill-Treatment!…

Update to the İHD Report on Human Rights Advocacy and Repressive Policies against İHD

  Updated Report on Human Rights Advocacy and Repressive Policies against İHD (Info Note)* 6 July…

OMCT Briefing Note: Ongoing Threats to Freedom of Association in Turkey

Controversial Law No. 7262 on the Prevention of the Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of…

İHD Info Notes: Submission on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association

İHD submitted its information note to inform the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful…

OMCT Briefing Note on Police Brutality in Turkey

Stifling civic space through the excessive use of force in Turkey  Freedom of peaceful assembly, association…

İHD Call for Öztürk Türkdoğan’s 2nd Hearing

12 April 2022 Ankara The Human Rights Association (İnsan Hakları Derneği -İHD) has been working to…

OBS-İHD Report- Turkey’s Civil Society on the Line: A Shrinking Space for Freedom of Association

Turkey: Ongoing Crackdown Poses Existential Threat to Independent Civil Society   (Ankara, Brussels, Paris) 6 May…

FIDH: New law seriously threatens freedom of association and must be repealed!

Paris-Geneva, January 15, 2021 The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (FIDH-OMCT) is deeply…