İHD-FIDH-OMCT Joint Statement: Uphold human rights during earthquake response

Turkey: Uphold human rights during earthquake response   Geneva-Paris-Ankara-Istanbul, 10 February 2023 – On February 7,…

OMCT Briefing Note: Ongoing Threats to Freedom of Association in Turkey

Controversial Law No. 7262 on the Prevention of the Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of…

OMCT Briefing Note: The Situation of Prisons and Prisoners in Turkey

OMCT: The situation in prisons is reaching crisis levels in Turkey    Geneva – Brussels, 19 July, 2022 – Increased incarceration rates…

New OBS Report: Administrative Harassment against Civil Society in Turkey

  TURKEY: Administrative harassment weaponised to silence civil society Ankara-Brussels-Paris, June 27, 2022 – In Turkey,…

OMCT Briefing Note on Police Brutality in Turkey

Stifling civic space through the excessive use of force in Turkey  Freedom of peaceful assembly, association…

OMCT Briefing Note: How Turkey weaponizes counter-terrorism legislation against human rights defenders

Turkey has been employing counter-terrorism and national security legislation to restrict rights and freedoms and silence…

OMCT Briefing: Emergency Decrees and Their Impact on Rights and Freedoms in Turkey

NEW OMCT BRIEFING: Years of emergency decrees still impact rights and freedoms in Turkey  Turkey is…

OMCT Guidance Brief: Building Our Response on COVID-19 and Detention

  World Organization against Torture (OMCT) issued a guidance brief on responding to COVID-19 and detention…

OMCT Statement Calling for Early Release from Prisons in Turkey

Turkey: Grant early release from overcrowded prisons without discrimination Brussels-Geneva March 31, 2020 While welcoming the…

Turkey: Continuing judicial harassment of 13 prominent human rights lawyers

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a partnership of FIDH and the World…