Saturday Mothers: 1000th Week

  1000th Week: 1000 Weeks with the Unchanging Profound Pain and the Unchanging Resilience!   25…

International Week of the Disappeared

  We Will Not Give Up the Struggle for Truth and Justice for Our Disappeared! 17…

İHD-HRFT-TMA: Reverse Handcuffing Is a Violation of the Prohibition of Torture and Ill-Treatment

Reverse Handcuffing Is a Violation of the Prohibition of Torture and Ill-Treatment   15 August 2023…

İHD Statement: Your Bans and Detentions Cannot Curb Our Quest for Truth

  Your Bans and Detentions Cannot Curb Our Quest for Truth   5 August 2023  …

Joint Statement: Keeping Saturday Mothers in Closed Vehicles Violates the Prohibition of Torture and Ill-Treatment

  Keeping Saturday Mothers/People in Closed Vehicles for Hours Violates the Prohibition of Torture and Ill-Treatment!…

İHD: Relatives of the Disappeared Are Not Alone!

  Relatives of the disappeared are not alone! Our search for truth and justice will continue…

Front Line Defenders: Saturday Mothers Are Acquitted

Saturday Mothers/People are acquitted   On 26 May 2023, fourteen human rights defenders from Cumartesi Anneleri/İnsanları…

Dunja Mijatović: The Turkish authorities must protect democratic freedoms

CoE Human Rights Commissioner Dunja Mijatović: Turkish Authorities Must Protect Democratic Freedoms Strasbourg 5 May 2023…

Frontline Defenders’ Urgent Appeal for Saturday Mothers

Members of Saturday Mothers/People face a new trial for exercising their right to peaceful assembly 5…

İHD Statement on Saturday Mothers

  The Quest for Justice and Truth is a Right, It cannot be Prevented! 15 April…