İHD Report and Recommendations on the Judicial Reform Strategy Document

4 October 2019 İHD Report and Recommendations on the Judicial Reform Strategy Document by the Ministry…

Release Gürbüz Solmaz Now!

Release İHD Dersim Branch Chairperson Gürbüz Solmaz   On 29 September 2019, numerous individuals have been…

İHD Statement on Selahattin Demirtaş

Why is Selahattin Demirtaş in Jail? HDP’s (Peoples’ Democratic Party) former Co-Chairperson Selahattin Demirtaş was taken…

İHD Statement on September 1 World Peace Day

The Demand for Peace is a Demand for Human Rights and Democracy! On the occasion of…

İHD July-August 2019 Digest

JULY-AUGUST  2019 İHD JULY-AUGUST 2019 Digest 17.07.2019: The Human Rights Association, which was founded 33 years…

Joint Statement: Release İHD Kars Branch Chairperson Güldane Kılıç

TURKEY: Release Güldane Kılıç immediately! Paris-Ankara-Geneva, August 30, 2019 – Ms. Güldane Kılıç, İnsan Hakları Derneği (İHD)…

VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IS A RESULT OF DISCRIMINATORY POLICIES!   Men increasingly continue murdering women day…

İHD Calls on the International Community to Take Urgent Action to Prevent Violations of the Rights to Freedom of Expression, Peaceful Assembly, and the Prohibition of Torture in Turkey

On 19 August 2019, the Ministry of Interior has released a statement early in the morning…

İHD-HRFT Joint Statement on HDP Mayors’ Removal from Office

  On HDP Mayors’ Removal from Office and the Appropriation of Municipalities 19 August 2019  …

İHD Statement on the Constitutional Court’s Judgment on Academics for Peace

Reinstate the Rights of Academics for Peace On 26 July 2019, the Constitutional Court’s General Secretariat…