İHD July-August 2019 Digest



JULY-AUGUST 2019 Digest

  • 17.07.2019: The Human Rights Association, which was founded 33 years ago today, stated in a press release that its 33-year-long struggle for freedom, equality, justice and peace based on human dignity would persevere and its struggle to restore a democratic regime for Turkey would not end.


  • 29.07.2019: İHD’s Kars Branch Chairperson and human rights defender Güldane Kılıç was arrested on 23.06.2019. İHD issued a press release calling on the authorities to act in accordance with the provisions set forth in the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders to release Ms. Kılıç.


  • 01.08.2019: MHK/Refugee Rights Coordination, which İHD is a member, released a position paper on the principle of non-refoulement regarding recent developments in Turkey.


  • 05.08.2019: EuroMed Rights and 25 other rights organizations issued a joint statement calling for the safeguard of the rights of refugees in Turkey. The joint statement expressed grave concerns regarding the recent arrests and deportations of refugees in Turkey.


  • 05.08.2019: İHD Central Committee for Refugees criticized Istanbul Governor’s Office’s statement of 22.07.2019 called “Combatting Irregular Migration” and called on the Turkish government, the EU and the UN to fulfill their duties prescribed by international law.


  • 08.08.2019: Rights organizations in Turkey issued a joint statement condemning the unlawful ruling of a court to deny access to various websites, including Bianet, known for its human rights journalism.


  • 09.08.2019: İHD welcomed the Constitutional Court’s recent judgment on Academics for Peace cases finding violation of the right to freedom of expression and invited, inter alia, the first instance courts to rule for the acquittal of all academics and the authorities to reinstate dismissed academics to their former posts.


  • 19.08.2019: İHD and HRFT issued a joint statement on HDP mayors’ removal from office saying that the primary and sine qua non rule of democracy was to recognize the will of constituents. İHD and HRFT invited the government to drop the assignment of state trustees to Diyarbakır, Mardin and Van greater municipalities and reinstate elected mayors.


  • 23.08.2019: İHD called on the international community to take urgent action to prevent violations of the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and the prohibition of torture in Turkey.


  • 26.08.2019: İHD Central Women’s Committee denounced violence against women underlining the fact that violence against women was a result of discriminatory policies. The committee said that women wanted to live under equal conditions and should not be entrusted to anyone, any faith, any agency whatsoever.


  • 30.08.2019: FIDH, OMCT, İHD issued a joint statement on İHD’s Kars Branch Chairperson Güldane Kılıç’s pre-trial detention calling on authorities to put an end to arbitrary detention of human rights defenders.
