İHD-Observatory Report: Freedom of assembly under attack as women demonstrate for their rights

Ankara, Brussels, Paris, 25 November 2020   A report from the Observatory for the Protection of…

Joint Statement: Release Arrested Rights Defenders, Lawyers, and CSO Representatives

Release All Arrested Rights Defenders, Lawyers, and CSO Representatives   20 November 2020 Today, on 20…

Tahir Elçi Case Should Not End Up with Impunity

Tahir Elçi was murdered 5 years ago. He was a human rights defender who bravely fought…

A Perpetual Emergency: Attacks on Freedom of Assembly in Turkey and Repercussions for Civil Society

Turkey (report): Attack on Freedom of Assembly Undermines Work of Human Rights Defenders A report released…

FIDH: Now is the time for action to fight systemic racism in the USA and globally

FIDH and its member organisations statement against anti-Black racism in the USA and globally FIDH and…

Joint Press Statement on the Büyükada Convictions

JOINT PRESS STATEMENT 3 July 2020, After the Hearing, Çağlayan Courthouse, Istanbul   This lawsuit, which…

İHD-HRFT Joint Statement on International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

A World without Torture is Possible Today is 26 June. It is a special and significant…

Joint Statement: Ten benchmarks for a zero-tolerance policy on torture in Turkey

Pushing the re-set button: Ten benchmarks for a zero-tolerance policy on torture in Turkey ​ Nothing…

İHD-HRFT Joint Statement on Defending the Defense March

Defending the Defense March by Bar Associations Denied Entry to Ankara 23 June 2020 80 bar…

FIDH Deputy Secretary General is Finally Free!

  FIDH and 45 of its member organisations around the world celebrate the release of their…